Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Solar water pump for my flowers

What a great day! Today Alien Fuel finished my Solar water pump! Now I can water all my flowers here on the flower farm sustainably! Using my spring fed pond, this pump will pump 200 gallons then stop. It's hooked up to an irrigation system and I am able to use only the water that I need. Amazing! Thank You Bob Petrosky, Ed Bumm, Bob a.k.a Moose, the plumber and "mastermind" of the irrigation system, along with the pipes,connections etc.! Don't know how you guys did it but its a wonderful thing! Thank you!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Solar water pump for irrigating my flower beds

Today Alien Fuel set the irrigation lines in the flower beds....now, just waiting for the special ordered water tank!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My new "Flower Power" van

This cool van will be moving all my flowers to the market. In the next week or so I'll have my logo put on. Love driving it around!

Starting on a new adventure!

This week coming up is going to be interesting to say the least ...I am starting a little flower shop in The Market at the Fareway this week. Selling my flowers and flower related items. I am so excited! And nervous all at the same time!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Advanced Pick-Up Sticks

So many sticks on the farm... What to do? Build a fence. This old style fencing is a simple way to create a natural looking landscape for your garden. This fence is easy and at the same time creates a home for small creatures. Next task, plant nasturtiums at the base so the plant climbs all over it. Should look really nice.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Almost my little babies almost!

My little seedlings are just sitting in the greenhouse waiting in anticipation for the day to feel that sun on their leaves! Or it could just be me?

Getting ready for The Market at the Fareway

Collecting all sorts of odds and ends for my flower shop at The Market at the Fareway in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania. This is such an exciting time! Planting,collecting stuff,creating ribbons to sell growing grasses,spinning wool...geez why am I not tired! Cause I love it!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Springtime Bouquet

Just put this together today.  I have been forcing some different kinds of pussy willow that I purchased from the Philadelphia Flower Show.  I put them all in this huge pot that I got for free! Added some branches of forsythia and a little japonica.

Buddhist Chickens!

Every year I buy prayer flags for my chicken run.  This is beautiful and yet functional.  It keeps other birds from sitting on top of their run.  I painted my chickens playhouse a lovely saffron orange.

Mushroom Soil in it's place and doing it's work!

All ready for the season!

AWWW! The smell of mushroom soil in spring!!!

Well, It's finally springtime and my mushroom soil delivery came and dumped two yards on my driveway.  Now to move all of it to the kitchen garden to amend the beds so that I can start planting in it as soon as possible!  Can't wait! This weekend the Cross Country Nursery opens up for the season. They are located in Rosemont, New Jersey, They specialize in Chile peppers but they have a great variety of basil and tomatoes.. I'll be blogging about this with pictures this weekend. Check them out on  the web.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Getting ready for spring!

Making my own seed growing shelves with metal shelves and shop lights from Lowes. Added grow lights, that was the most expensive part of this project. This should really boost my seed growing production that will start next week!